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BORA Product ExperienceEL.GA. S.p.A.

We know that: Making a decision is often not that easy. We make the process easier for you: experience our BORA cooktop extractor systems and our BORA steam oven live. Get to know the different features in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy tasty samples. You can drop by at any time and visit our BORA Product Experience. We look forward to your visit.

  • Small tastersbe inspired by BORA recipes
  • Culinary open door eventin an open atmosphere
  • Without registrationcome by spontaneously at any time
  • Tips and tricksExclusively from our BORA experts
Event details
21.09.2024 14:30 - 20:30 O'clock
EL.GA. S.p.A | Designer Due s.r.l
Via Bramante de Urbino 33
20851 Lissone MB
Information event organiserEL.GA. S.p.A.
Via Bramante de Urbino 33
20851, Lissone MB
Exhibited ProductsCool, Cool Combi, Classic 2.0, Freeze, Professional 3.0, M Pure, S Pure, Pure, QVac, X BO