Pimientos with a peppery pistachio topping
Roughly chop the pistachios. Wash the peppercorns, dab dry and chop them. Wash the thyme, shake it dry, pluck the leaves and chop them, but not too finely. Quarter the preserved lemons, remove the pulp and cut the peel into approx. 0.3 cm cubes. Wash the lemon in hot water, dry it and grate 1 tbsp of zest. Mix all of the ingredients.
Wash the pimientos and dab well until dry. Heat up the olive oil in a large frying pan. Place any larger peppers in the pan first and then add the others after approx. 1 minute. Fry for 4–6 minutes, stirring constantly, until the peppers are browned and soft. Then take them out of the pan and sprinkle with salt flakes before arranging on plates with the topping.
How to make preserved lemons
You can easily make preserved lemons yourself. To do that, thoroughly wash 6 organic lemons. Squeeze the juice out of 2 of them. Cut into the rest of the lemons crosswise but do not cut all of the way through. Rinse out two clean screw-top glass jars with boiling water and add 2 tbsp of sea salt to each. Put ½ tbsp of sea salt inside the cut on each lemon, place the lemons in the jars and press down well. Pour over the lemon juice and fill up with boiling water so that the lemons are completely covered. Close the jars and leave the lemons for 4–6 weeks to mellow.
- 80 g green pistachios
- 2 tbsp pickled green peppercorns
- 8 sprigs of thyme
- 1 preserved lemon
- 1 organic lemon
- 400g pimientos (Padron peppers)
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- salt flakes